Energetic Properties:
Confidence, Courage, Prosperity, Action, Vitality, Creativity, Love and Passion
Root (1st), Sexual/Creative (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd)
Chakras: Root (1st), Sexual/Creative (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd)
Where Found or Mined:
USA, Britain, India, Peru, Iceland, Romania
Energy & Information:
Carnelian is a stone of Confidence and Prosperity. It is a talisman for success and is said to attract new resources, prosperity and good luck. It is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination and is known as a stone of motivation, endurance and leadership. Carnelian is also a crystal of action, helping one overcome procrastination and indecision. It encourages one to stop waiting on one’s dreams and begin moving towards manifesting one’s highest goals. It stimulates the courage to embrace change and lends the confidence needed to overcome difficult situations bringing a new, more profound love of life. It promotes a spiritual energy conducive to awakening one’s talents. Carnelian encourages idealism, a sense of community and helps one recognize and acknowledge Divine Will in one’s life. Orange and Red Carnelian are important crystals for strengthening love, and may help in rekindling passions that might have faded in an otherwise loving relationship. Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and is excellent for balancing body energy levels. Carnelian is full of life force, stimulating metabolism and a good supply of blood to the organs and tissues making it also is very beneficial for fertility and potency.
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Zodiac; Leo July 22 – Aug 23 & Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 22
Energetic Properties:
Communication, Self-Expression, Divine Connection, Truth, Calming, Gentleness, Power, Release of Stress
Heart (4th), Solar Plexus (3rd)
Where Found or Mined:
Chile, Zaire, Russia, USA
Energy & Information:
Chrysocolla is a cardinal Water Element stone, governing the flow of energy and communication. It can help open a channel between higher consciousness and verbal expression, allowing for Divinely inspired speech and communication. It creates more security in communicating with others and dispels fear in social situations or emotionally charged conversations. It’s calming, soothing energies facilitate ease and flow in one’s life, and can aid in releasing patterns of anger, criticism, sarcasm and negativity in one’s communications with others. Chrysocolla is a stone of empowerment as it assists us in owning the power of our words and in recognizing how the words we use affect our reality. It assists in releasing stress, anxiety and other fear based imbalances as the gentleness and power Chrysocolla emanates teaches that genuine power best expresses itself through gentleness. It is powerful for opening and cleansing the throat chakra, revealing one’s gifts of expression and allowing one to channel the heart’s deepest truth and share the mind’s highest knowledge and inner wisdom, with the intent of benefitting others from one’s life’s experience. Chrysocolla can assist in regulating the thyroid and adrenals, and is excellent for supporting the larynx, including sore throats and laryngitis.
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Greens and Blues
Energetic Properties:
Growth, Compassion, Forgiveness, Altruism, Connection to Nature and to the Divine
Heart (4th), Solar Plexus (3rd)
Where Found or Mined:
Poland, Australia, Btazil, Madagascar, South Africa, Russia
Energy & Information:
Chrysoprase is a stone of the Heart. It reminds us of our connection and bond with the Divine, allowing one to receive the infinite Love and Abundance of the Universe which we are an intrinsic part of. It helps us recognize the unique value we bring to the world that no other human being can offer. It helps us understand one’s interconnectedness with all of creation and see oneself through the eyes of the Divine, re-establishing one’s sense of self-worth and healing feelings of separation and isolation. Chrysoprase helps one remain centered in the heart at all times, providing the courage to face difficult situations with steadfast resolve and truth-centered compassion. It helps one process and heals emotional imbalances and release attachment to fear-based emotions, belief systems and actions. It can aid in identifying habitually unhealthy patterns in one’s relationships, and in clearing them before they create blockages. It allows one to feel a profound sense of forgiveness and compassion for those who have caused one hurt and pain, and more importantly, to forgive and have compassion for oneself. It stimulates the heart chakra which kindles an expanded ability to feel and express love. As a heart healing stone, Chrysoprase brings hope when the darkness is pressing in, connecting one once again to the light and love of the Divine. Chrysoprase also activates the solar plexus chakra which is the seat of the will. When combined with the heart chakra, they emit a powerful unified vibrational force which awakens the heart. An awakened heart has the ability to awaken the hearts of others who feel drawn to the same heart-centered purpose, creating a collaboration that brings all dreams to fruition. It is an excellent Prosperity stone and a powerful love attractor. It helps one embrace one’s birthright of unlimited abundance, health, and joy. Chrysoprase opens one’s heart and senses to the beauty of the natural world fostering positive healing towards others and Mother Earth. Chrysoprase is a stone of youth, encouraging a youthful spirit, outlook, and energy. Physically it supports general healing and regeneration and can be helpful for those recuperating from all types of degenerative diseases.
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Zodiac; Gemini May 22 – June 21
Energetic Properties:
Manifestation, Abundance, Mental Clarity, Creativity and Personal Will.
Root (1st), Sexual/Creative, Sacral (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd)
Where Found or Mined:
Africa, Brazil, France, Madagascar, Russia, Scotland, Spain, USA
Energy & Information:
Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. It awakens the powers of creative imagination and visionary function. It opens up the inner self to access increased clarity of thought, and power of will, leading to the Manifestation of all that has been envisioned and acted upon. Citrine clears the mind and stirs the soul to action, transforming dreams and wishes into tangible reality. It is a powerful purifier that helps clear negative thought patterns and encourages optimism. It helps overcome feelings of powerlessness by lending courage and fortitude. It is often called “The Merchant Stone” as it assists in acquiring wealth and also helps maintain it. It is a stone of abundance attracting prosperity, success, and good fortune in all things. Citrine strengthens personal intention, channeling divine energy into manifesting what one most wants and desires. HEALTH BENEFITS: Enhances physical stamina and energy. Supports the endocrine system and metabolism. It is beneficial for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and may aid in reversing degenerative disease. Citrine stimulates digestion, is beneficial in eliminating infections of the kidney and bladder. It is good for relieving skin irritations and allergies, especially those caused by food or chemical intolerance.
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Traditional; November – Zodiac; Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) & Gemini (May 22-June 21) Modern; Aries (Marc 21 – April 19) ANNIVERSARY STONE: 11th & 13th N& 17th
Pale Yellow to deep Gold, at times almost Orange
Energetic Properties:
Inner Vision, Connection to Higher Self, Spiritual Connection, Faith and Trust in the Divine, Interdimensional Awareness
Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
Wind, Earth
Where Found or Mined:
India, Italy, Germany, Canada, Iceland, Greenland, Brazil
Energy & Information:
Clear Apophyllite is a powerful stone for activating inner vision, connection to higher guides and working with spiritual information gained from spiritual vision. It assists one in connecting with and communicating with the Higher-Self and the Soul. It is an excellent tool for increasing inner vision and psychic ability, and expanding soul level consciousness. Apophyllite’s are excellent aids for meditation and the practice of being present in the now. Meditation with Apophyllite can help one perceive the connectedness of all things in creation, and these crystals can serve as windows into many other worlds. It is a highly mentally active stone, helping one to understand spiritual lessons and process spiritual information. Clear Apophyllite helps one to develop faith and trust in the Divine, and to gain a higher perspective of this physical experience. It can assist one in returning to one’s spiritual path after disillusionment or difficulty, renewing and strengthening one’s faith and connection to the Divine. Clear Apophyllite infuses human aura with Light energy, balancing and stimulating the energetic systems. It helps one understand the spiritual purpose for physical disease or imbalance.
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Clear, Lite Green
Energetic Properties:
Creativity, Innovation, Passion, Purpose, Purification, Peace, Hope, Connection to Nature
Root (1st), Heart (4th)
Water, Fire
Where Found or Mined:
Energy & Information:
Coral is not a gemstone or mineral, it is organic material from the sea. Coral can be used to reconnect with nature and brings reverence for all its many miracles and wonders. It is a stone of regeneration and purification. It is known for providing boundless growth and expansion in all areas of one’s life; stimulating imagination, innovation, creativity, adaptability, and mental dexterity. It is an excellent stone for enhancing any artistic endeavor, but also for expanding intellectual knowledge and curiosity. Coral grounds one in the past while helping one to embrace the future and all it holds. Coral provides mental stimulation as well as connection to intuitive energy. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of one’s purpose and path to higher good. It offers protection from negative influence and utilizes optimism to lift the spirit towards hope, joy and fulfillment. It is known to relax and quiet the emotions, bringing peace within and without, as it restores harmony to the heart. Coral is excellent for use in meditation for strengthening spiritual connection and visualization. Coral also attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. It is said to be a powerful talisman for fertility and raising the kundalini energy, as well as providing aid for all physical feminine issues from morning sickness to menopause. It can be used to strengthen the circulatory system, as well as regenerate tissue. Coral can also be used in the treatment of calcium deficiencies and enhancing the assimilation of vitamins A and D. Coral has also been used to strengthen and protect the muscular system from atrophy and aid in issues with the circulatory and respiratory systems.
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Zodiac – Taurus April 21 – May 21 and Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22
35th Wedding
Red,White, Orange
Energetic Properties:
Optimism, Balance, Creativity, Harmony
The Third Eye (6th) is also called the Brow Chakra and is the center of perception and command.
Where Found or Mined:
Energy & Information:
Crazy Lace Agate is called the “Laughter Stone,” or “Happy Lace” as it brings joy to those who wear it. It is a stone of support, encouragement and honesty, elevating one’s thoughts and promoting optimism. It brings balance to the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. Crazy Lace Agate helps improve and harmonize relationships. Also, by bringing the elements of one’s being into harmony it greatly enhances healing. The graceful lacy patterns of Crazy Lace Agate create a soothing, circular flow of energy that stimulates the mind and one’s creativity and innovation. It strengthens concentration and increases the intellect. HEALTH BENEFITS: Excellent for increasing stamina and energy, and good for skin disorders such as acne and eczema. It is beneficial for the endocrine system and the heart. It absorbs emotional pain and helps eliminate Depression.
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Traditional; May – Mystical; September – Zodiac; Gemini
Swirls of varied shades of Orange and White
Energetic Properties:
Healing, Opening and following the Heart, Confidence, Self-Worth, Love and Self-Acceptance
Root (1st), Heart (4th)
Earth, Water
Where Found or Mined:
Canada, Greenland, Russia
Energy & Information:
Eudialyte activates and opens the Heart, allowing one to find one’s true heart path. It encourages one to honor and respect oneself so one has the confidence to share one’s gifts and abilities with the world. It can aid in identifying the gifts one has come to this earth to share if one is unsure of what those gifts are, and then supports one’s efforts to express them in a way that creates a meaningful and fulfilling path that brings joy to all. It is a great help for those who seek to receive and express more love in their lives, especially self-love and self-acceptance. Eudialyte helps one understand that the Divine only wishes for us to feel and express love, in all its truth, with all we think, say and do. This will free one to follow the path of the heart’s truest passion to create the life and work that is most meaningful to oneself. It reminds us that we are allowed to choose our paths and our creations and that the Divine only wills that we live from our hearts and offer our best selves. Eudialyte’s energy helps one overcome fear, self-doubt, and confusion. It counsels us to honor the self, so we may truly honor others. It fosters one’s worth in the eyes of the Divine and encourages one to pursue one’s highest calling with joy and abandon. Eudialyte is wonderful when used in self-healing for repairing the emotional body and bringing in more vitality and life force. The black inclusions in Eudialyte purify its energies and provide a measure of psychic protection. It is a stabilizing stone and balances the nervous system and assists with nervous disorders and the very ill. It is a wonderful stone to use with premature infants or critically ill children.
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Pink to Red to Reddish-Brown with Black Inclusions
Energetic Properties:
Healing, Protection, Connection between Physical Self and Higher Self
Earth, Storm
Where Found or Mined:
Pakistan, Brazil, USA
Energy & Information:
Faden Quartz is a premiere healing stone as it’s crystals are highly programmable, making it possible to increase their healing abilities with clear, focused intention. These crystals also retain their programming for longer periods of time than other stones. Because of their high energy, these crystals are also ideal for consciousness expansion and for reaching higher vibrational planes. Faden Quartz crystals are a valuable tool for providing protection from physical disruption, both for individuals and for physical places. They can act as a vibrational bandage and are powerful for bridging energetic breaks in the energy field, and in the structure of the body. They can assist in healing the etheric body and auric field, which also catalyzes physical healing. Faden Quartz stimulates and re-energizes one after an energetic breach, assisting one in regaining one’s power and vibratory level and strength. It helps establish a strong connection of the physical self to the higher frequency aspects of one’s higher self. They are excellent for use in physical healing that stems from breaks in bone, tears in muscles and nerves that have been severed during surgery.
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Energetic Properties:
Mental Enhancement, Clarity, Focus, Balance, Confidence, Decisiveness, Communication, Intuition, Protection
Where Found or Mined:
Germany, England, China, Argentina, USA
Energy & Information:
Known as the “Genius Stone,” Fluorite represents the highest state of mental achievement. It creates more powerful focus and concentration, and enhances learning and memorization abilities as well as stirring creativity and opening the mind to new possibilities. If you are feeling stuck, or in a rut, Fluorite can assist you in brainstorming new ideas, thinking through complex matters, and absorbing new knowledge. It is ideal for overcoming any form of disorganization and is perfect for increasing thought and concentration. Fluorite draws off environmental stress and negative energies and benefits anyone who works under pressure, or lives life at a fast pace, by keeping the mind calm and productive. Fluorite helps one select a direction, commit to action and plan the steps necessary to live “on purpose” and accomplish one’s dreams and goals. It increases self-confidence and aids in thinking through one’s feelings when one is in emotional overwhelm. Its energy works to quiet worried thoughts and anxiety and increases spiritual attunement and balance. It is an excellent crystal for focused meditation and boosts one’s intuitive and psychic abilities. When placed on the Crown or Third Eye chakras, Fluorite can enhance communication with spirit guides, angels and nature spirits. Fluorite improves communication and brings stability to relationships, both individually and in groups, linking all to a common purpose that encourages synergy, better understanding and a greater sense of connection.
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Purple, Lt. Green , Blue (also White, Yellow, Red, Pink, Black & Multi-Color)