The Energy of Carnelian
Confidence, Courage, Prosperity, Action, Vitality, Creativity, and Passion
Carnelian is one of my go-to stones for everyday use, the beauty of each stone is the spectacular banding, and when light hits it, you can see the depth within. It puts a smile on my face as I adorn myself with its beauty.
Carnelian is a perfect stone for creativity and is the second chakra called Sacral; this is where creativity starts. The sacral chakra fuels your body; it gives you the courage to do what you most desire in your life. This chakra is located just below the navel, and It represents the creative and sexual energies within your body. It is the center of emotions, feelings, and pleasure. Therefore, it plays a very active role in our sexual needs and desires.
Information when balancing your Sacral Chakra:
I enjoy using my oils, Sun Spirit candles, and my favorite stones to enhance the energy flow of Chakras. Here are a few of my favorite oils used to balance the sacral chakra: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Jasmine, Orange, Patchouli, Rose, and Sandalwood.
Our newest candle has a Carnelian stone inside, called “Autumn Spice,” a delightful blend of vanilla and spices to create a relaxing aroma with grounding energies. Once you light an autumn spice candle, pat your favorite oil behind your ears, neck, wrist, or under your nose, whatever you like best, hold your selection of stones, close your eyes and let your spirit unwind. The purpose is to enjoy the journey, make it your ritual as you start into a light meditation where you focus and visualize the color orange, setting your desired intentions. Don’t forget to release any emotional baggage that could be weighing you down, and these are just a few ways to balance and protect your chakra energy. Remember, there’s no right or wrong method when working with universal law/spirit. Your intention is all you need.
Everything you need to know about Carnelian; the Sacral Chakra Stone:
Carnelian is a stone of Confidence and Prosperity. It is a crystal of ambition, drive, and determination and is known as a stone of motivation, endurance, and leadership. Carnelian is also a crystal of action, helping one overcome procrastination and indecision. It encourages one to stop waiting on one’s dreams and begin moving towards manifesting one’s highest goals. It stimulates the courage to embrace change and lends the confidence needed to overcome difficult situations bringing a new, more profound love of life. It promotes a spiritual energy conducive to awakening one’s talents. Carnelian encourages idealism, a sense of community and helps one recognize and acknowledge Divine Will in one’s life. Orange and Red Carnelian are essential crystals for strengthening love and may help rekindle passions that might have faded in an otherwise loving relationship. Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its’ high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and is excellent for balancing the body’s energy levels. Carnelian is full of life force, boosting metabolism and a good blood supply to the organs and tissues. It is also very beneficial for fertility and potency, so if you seek a child, put a Carnelian under your pillow and set your intentions.
Carnelian found in: USA, Britain, India, Peru, Iceland, Romania.
AKA / The Stone Hen